Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Animal Farm

December 5, 2019



Descriptive Writing 

Select any picture and write a short piece, incorporating all five of the senses. 


Word: Review
Part of Speech: Verb
Dictionary Definition: examine or assess (something) formally with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary.
Your Definition: 
Activity: What is one standard you would like to focus on the most?


We will go over the responses as a class. 

2.  Animal Farm 

Read the passage from the story on pages 128-132 of your Study Sync.  
Make annotations as you read. 
Answer all five questions on page 132 under the Think Questions.
This is good practice for constructed response questions and using evidence.  

3.  Characterization Mapping

At your tables, select one character from Animal Farm to create a concept map for.
Include three examples for each category.  

Description of the Appearance
Description of the Personality
Relation to Others
Important Quotes with Explanations

You will share this with the class. 


Based on the results of the released exam what is one skill you could work on?

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