Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Eng II Pre-Assessment

August 22, 2019


Obj: I can demonstrate my prior knowledge of Englisth II standards. 


Connect this song to the ideas seen The Alchemist. 

The Disney film hits theaters Nov. 23.


Word: Topic
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition:the subject or theme of a discourse or of one of its parts.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Identify a topic of the Alchemist and explain why you chose it. 

Teaching theme?  This article will give you lots of tips and resources to help your students understand, locate, and analyze theme in a piece of literature!


1.  Coach Jumpstart
North Carolina READY EOC Edition
English II 

Practice Test One 
Pages 15-31.

Individually, answer questions 9-35. 
Record your responses on a separate sheet of paper.
Please do NOT mark directly in the books. 

You have the entire block to complete the pre-assessment. 
We will go over the responses tomorrow. 

If you finish early, please work on something quietly.
You may listen to music while you work. 


Give yourself a positive for completing the benchmark. 

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